How to treat chapped skin caused by acne medications

How to treat chapped skin caused by acne medications

Understanding the Effects of Acne Medications on Your Skin

As someone who has struggled with acne, I understand the desire to do whatever it takes to clear up your skin. Acne medications can be a godsend, but they often come with a side effect: chapped skin. This happens because many acne medications work by drying up the oil that causes pimples, but unfortunately, they can also dry out the rest of your skin in the process. This leaves you with flaky, cracked, and sometimes even painful skin. It's a frustrating situation to be in, but fortunately, there are ways to treat chapped skin caused by acne medications.

Choosing the Right Moisturizer for Your Skin

When your skin is chapped, it’s because it’s severely dry and needs moisture. One of the best ways to provide that moisture is by using a moisturizer. But not all moisturizers are created equal, especially when it comes to treating chapped skin caused by acne medications. You’ll want to look for a moisturizer that is oil-free, to avoid clogging your pores and causing more breakouts. It should also be non-comedogenic, meaning it won't cause acne. Lastly, it should be hypoallergenic, to avoid irritating your already sensitive skin.

Proper Cleansing Routine for Chapped Skin

Another key part of treating chapped skin caused by acne medications is a proper cleansing routine. You may think that you should scrub away at your skin to remove the flakes, but this can actually make things worse. Instead, use a gentle, hydrating cleanser. And remember, warm water is your friend – hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils and exacerbate the dryness. After cleansing, pat your skin dry instead of rubbing it, to avoid irritating your chapped skin.

Importance of Sun Protection

You might think that sun protection is only important for preventing sunburn or skin cancer, but it's also crucial for treating chapped skin caused by acne medications. Many acne medications can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, which can lead to further drying and chapping. So, make sure you're using a sunblock that's at least SPF 30, and reapply it every two hours when you're out in the sun. And remember, even on cloudy days, UV rays can still penetrate through the clouds and damage your skin.

When to Seek Professional Help

While there are plenty of things you can do at home to treat chapped skin caused by acne medications, sometimes you need professional help. If your skin is cracking, bleeding, or extremely painful, it's time to see a dermatologist. They can provide you with prescription treatments that can help heal your skin more quickly. They can also help you adjust your acne treatment plan so that it's less drying to your skin, while still being effective at treating your acne. Remember, you don't have to suffer in silence – there's help available for your chapped skin.

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